Essentially Clearing
Shikimic Acid Concentrate
Boosts energy levels through promoting increased cell function and thus oxygen availability. Helps lift ‘headfog’ and is a brain tonic.
Supports healthy nerve and muscle function. Blood cleansing, healing for the Nervous system, Heart and Blood. Ideal to be taken with Parasite Cleanse, The Next Step and Detox/Restore Health Now. Dissolves spike proteins from your system, and supports the clearing of long COVID symptoms.
Emotionally: Calming, clarifying and uplifting. Healing and freeing from fears.
Unifies; illuminates pathways and clarity of purpose.Lighting up from within, through full inclusion of all aspects of self. ‘SHINE’. Clears confusion and disillusionment.
Reunification of our Human and Divine Self.
Spark - 50ml
Gingko, Wheki, St John’s Wort, Dandelion roots/leaf and Nicotiana